


Oncor Was Agreement


Oncor Was Agreement: Understanding the Deal

In 2017, Oncor, the largest electric transmission and distribution company in Texas, made headlines with news of an acquisition deal. The deal, which was valued at $18.7 billion, involved the acquisition of Oncor by Sempra Energy, a California-based company.

However, the process was anything but straightforward. There were challenges, setbacks, and legal battles along the way, with the deal ultimately being approved by the Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC). The approval of the deal was made possible through a restructuring agreement, which is commonly referred to as the Oncor Was Agreement.

What is the Oncor Was Agreement?

The Oncor Was Agreement is a complex legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the acquisition deal between Sempra Energy and Oncor. The agreement involved a series of steps and transactions that needed to be completed for the deal to be finalized.

The agreement was necessary because of the complex regulatory environment in Texas, which has strict rules regarding the ownership and operation of electricity transmission and distribution systems. The Oncor Was Agreement allowed Sempra Energy to acquire Oncor while complying with these regulations.

Key Elements of the Oncor Was Agreement

The Oncor Was Agreement involved several elements, including the following:

– Sempra Energy would acquire a 50.1% ownership interest in Oncor through a new holding company called Energy Future Intermediate Holding Company LLC (EFIH).

– The remaining 49.9% ownership interest in Oncor would be held by a consortium led by the investment firm, Elliott Management Corporation.

– The holding company, EFIH, would be formed through a bankruptcy reorganization plan for Energy Future Holdings (EFH), the parent company of Oncor.

– Sempra Energy would provide $9.45 billion in cash to EFIH in exchange for its ownership interest in Oncor. The consortium led by Elliott Management Corporation would provide $9.05 billion in cash.

Benefits of the Oncor Was Agreement

The Oncor Was Agreement had several benefits for all parties involved. For Sempra Energy, it marked the company`s entry into the Texas market, which is one of the largest and most competitive energy markets in the world.

For Oncor, the deal provided a stable financial future, and the restructuring provided increased protections to Oncor’s customers. Oncor continued its role as the operator of the electric transmission and distribution system in Texas and was not subject to the uncertainty of the previous owners, including those in the bankruptcy courts.

For the Texas electricity market, the deal helped to ensure that the transmission and distribution system remained in the hands of regulated and experienced operators, which is essential for the stability and reliability of the electric grid.


The Oncor Was Agreement was a critical step in the acquisition of Oncor by Sempra Energy. It provided a legal framework that allowed the transaction to comply with Texas regulatory requirements while protecting the interests of all parties involved.

As an editor experienced in SEO, it`s essential to note that the Oncor Was Agreement demonstrates the importance of attention to detail in legal documents. The nuances of the agreement were essential in ensuring the deal`s success and the long-term stability of the electricity market in Texas.
